When you choose the low silicon quartz surface, please open your eyes to double check the different.
Superior low silicon quartz surface is really low silicon quartz and no anti dumping, why? let us compare Superior with others:
Superior low silicon quartz surface content less than 35% quartz sand with 50% natural stone without silica, no anti-dumping,
Other factories low silicon quartz- 35% quartz sand, 50% glass sand (Anti-dumping), and tell customer their surface is low silica quartz, yes, you can say this composition is low silicon quartz, but it is low crystalline silica quartz, the important is this low silicon quartz is in anti-dumping, because quartz sand content 99% silica, glass sand content at least 70% silica, 100% in the quartz anti-dumping scope
So according to comparation we can know the result:
Superior Low Silicon Quartz--Really low silica quartz surface, No anti-dumping;
Others Low Silicon Quartz-- Fake low silica quartz surface,100% anti-dumping;
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